Monday, December 14, 2015

Olivia Farrell-Museum Visit

Description: For my museum visit I used a photograph from Kendal College. The picture I took is of a girl who is staring somewhere off to the right. Her eyes are not looking straight to the side, but rather down and to the right. there is a light hitting the left side of her face and it stops right below her eye and it does not pass her nose. The right side of her face is not lit and is shadowed. She has hair draped across her left eye. The hair on her right side is not behind her ear, it is kind of just resting on her cheek. She has a sort of frown on her lips. It looks like she is in deep thought because something sad happened and she needs to sort everything out. And her head is tilted at a slant to the left. 
Technieque: One of the technieques used in this photograph was definitly the lighting, either a reflector or a key light was used on the side of her face. The photographer definitely wanted only half of her face to be lit. Another technieque used in this picture was the contrast of light and darknes on the different sides of her face.  
Interpretation: When I look at this picture, I see a girl who needs a friend. She has a lot going on in life and is contemplating why things happen the way they do. She looks lost in thought, and like she needs someone to talk to. She is too scared to talk to anyone though because she has been judged in the past and she does not want to be hurt again. She is sad and does not know what to do. 
Judgement: I really like this picture. It is very simple, but it can have a lot of meaning behind it. I like the contrast of the light and dark on her face. I also like how I can relate to what I would interprate it to be. 
    After seeing the other picture. I was inspired to take a picture of something more happy. I wanted to do this to show that even though bad thigs come along, there will always be more good that comes. And I wanted to show that you can get through hard times. It will be difficult and there will be bad days, but in the end, you can still learn to smile and continue on.

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