Thursday, December 17, 2015

Molly Devine - Museum Visit

                For my Museum project I went to the Kendall College of Art and Design. I took a photograph of a student picture I found very intriguing. The picture is a man’s watch on the ground. This watch is not any watch it is a large silver watch that has multiple gears and looks like the one my dad owns. It is a timeless style, when you think of a men’s watch you think of this one. The whole watch is not pictured perfectly it looks as though it was dropped there but intentionally. The ground it is laying in is small pebbles of different browns and tans. The background is blurred and dark; you can only see the watch and a small area of surrounding pebbles.
                I enjoyed this piece because I am into fashion and style. I love the use of an iconoclastic watch just pictured.
                Taking this photo they must have been in very close proximity and the background is blurred so they must have used some special lighting to create this as well as adjusted the exposure to only highlight the watch.
                My interpretation is that this watch represents a person or men in general.  I think that it is a classic representation of a man.  A watch for a man is a huge deal; it is like a ring or a specific pair of earrings to a woman.          

                My final judgement of this piece is that I like it. I’m not sure if I love the ground that the watch is on. It looks cool but for me it provides no meaning accept that it is manly looking. I chose to take a photo of my diamond earrings that I wear almost every day. This to me is a representation of a woman. I shot them on a bathroom counter where they are frequently found. That is where my picture differs I chose I background I also thought fit the context. Earrings are a man’s watch to a woman. These diamonds studs are timeless and classic. Simple yet descriptive.

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