Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ben Elliott -Museum Visit

-       - This piece is called Mud Ring Platter. It is a round platter that is concave like a bowl. The majority of the platter is a blue-grey color with a shiny finish when it is shown under the light. On either side of the platter there are rings of varying color and size. It looks similar to drops of water rippling across the top of water. The color rings are a light yellow, light blue and a darker black outline of the rings. There are two large groups of rings and several smaller groups surrounding the largest group. The colors of the rings have a medium value and a medium to low chroma. The blue-grey background has a low value and a low chroma.

-      -  I especially liked this piece because it is very calming. All of the colors are low in chroma and the hue of the colors creates a peace felling. The platter was my favorite choice because many of the other pieces were “loud” and they jumped out at your eye. This piece still had a way of drawing my eye in, but it also relaxed my mind at the same time. I compared it earlier to a ripple on water and like a ripple its nice to look at but its not terribly exciting. I think I chose this piece because it relaxed me and was beautiful at the same time.

-     -   The techniques used are some kind of pottery design and painting. It seems that the artist was careful with his color choice to make this piece very neutral. The preciseness of the lines used in the rings is impressive. The colors are very harmonious and pleasing to the eye. The color relativity works well between the different rings, and also with the background.

-       - My interpretation is that this piece is supposed to reflect raindrops on water. The artist did a good job at giving me a peaceful feeling that I get when I listen or watch rain. And also captured the beauty of ripples on water.

-       - I loved this piece I really enjoy rain and listening to rain and this embodies what that feels like to me. I think the artist did a great job with the composition of this piece and the colors that complement the meaning. 
-      -  I was inspired by this piece to shoot photographs of water. But I wanted the water to have color and create a peaceful mood. My photographs accomplish this. My colors are much brighter and have a much greater chroma then that of the original piece. I don’t think the color takes away from the overall peaceful mood of the photos. Working with the water was difficult but fun. I enjoyed being inspired by this artwork.

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