Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ben Simonis - Museum visit

Description: We see two fish passing each other on a 2D paper medium. This drawing contains a lot texture and depth. The front fish is much darker while the fish behind it is lighter and splochier. Note that the eyes add another dimension being a different color. The fins have great texture that make this piece more appealing. This looks very realistic

Why I like it: I love the yellow eyes! I cannot say if this would be as interesting if this was only black and white. The texture is very visually pleasing to me. It looks like 2 real fish in a sea of paper.  The texture of the paper adds depth.

Technique: I think this is a sketch that might have been a trace. I am honestly a little perplexed on how this was made and I think that is why I like it so much. The eyes are closer to the thirds than the center. There is little to no depth, but at the same time the texture looks amazing. I think the shading on the edges make this piece look more realistic

Interpretation: This piece is trying to bring realism to a 2D paper and pencil drawing. The focus on the eyes brings any onlooker to have feelings of delight, but also the eyes might have creeped some people out. This piece is very simple, but the texture and subject make this a piece a lot of people will look at and enjoy

Judgment: The fish in back (or to the left) is not as sharp as the other one. I think that the left fish should be in more focus and shaded better.

My photo
I wanted to take a picture of a subject that I sort of used before. The texture on this extreme close up, paired with the faded background, really reminds of the fish piece.
Texture is very visually pleasing

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