Monday, December 14, 2015

Heather Martin -- Museum Visit

 In this picture there is a man encased in a glass ball, he is pressing on the glass and trying to escape from within. There are different colors on the glass which include orange, yellow, and green.

 This piece of art work is call It's Not Art, Until You Put Your Soul In It, and it inspired me firstly because I hadn't ever seen anything like it, and I also felt like a lot of people could relate, myself included. Like all art there are a millions ways for someone to interpret it, and this piece would definitely be included in that statement. I took it two different ways, one way being that people can be trapped within themselves due to many different things in today's world, they can feel like they cannot be themselves around others, and they are desperately trying to break free from their loneliness. Another way I interpreted it, which I think is the actual point the artist was trying to get across was the way people can feel like they are not creative, they feel like they are unable to imagine new things and be able to create them from their mind. I definitely have felt this way, until this class, I had no idea what I was capable of, and now I am able to be confident in the fact that I am a creative person. The man in the glass ball feels captive by the fact that he cannot create, and he would be right because "it's not art, until you put your soul into it". 

This was not a picture, and there weren't really any real pictures to choose from at this art gallery, so I chose the one that spoke most to me which was actually a sculpture more than a photo, so it is hard to apply photographic techniques to this piece of art 


The picture I have taken to represent the gallery piece is the same because it has the same idea behind it, the idea of being trapped and trying to get out. Walls are less penetrable than glass, and I wanted to capture the fact that people can be going through the same thing, but every situation is going to be different along with the outcome, because everyone in this world is different from those around them.

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