Sunday, December 13, 2015

Nekoda Boggs - Museum Visit

Description: This is a photo taken by a student at Kendall College of Art and Design. It is a photo of buildings that I believe are in Grand Rapids. Also, this is in black and white which I think gives this picture more character. There's looks to be a moving car going down the street that is in between the two buildings. The photo has more blacks and dark grays than whites and light grays but this is what gives the picture contrast and the character of the city.

Technique: The graphic weight that the photographer used is mainly leading lines. The way that the buildings are designed there are lines going from the left side of the picture taking you eyes to the middle then on to the right of the photo and lastly taking a turn where the car is driving off the photo. Leading lines are meant to bring focus to a subject or to draw you eyes to a specific point. In this case the lines of the buildings are taking your eyes into and L until you see the car. That's not all the photographer used he also used the rule of thirds. When you first look at the photo your eyes are drawn straight to the SUV in the lower right quadrant. There is a lot going on in this photo but this what makes the photo appealing to the eye. You are drawn to the lines and how the buildings are so close together yet evenly spaced from the architect and builders that put them there.

Interpretation: What I think that the photographer was trying to say in the photo is that the city is a place of art and is different than what he is used to. When I saw this photo I was automatically was intrigued by the modern buildings and the glass. I saw bustling streets and crazy life of getting from one place to the other. I'm from the country and I truly believe that this photographer is as well because it's almost as if he has never seen anything quite so beautiful as city life with it's giant buildings and streets of concrete as far as the eye can see.

Judgement: I was drawn to this photo right away so, I can say that I do enjoy this photo. It's pleasing to the eye and I prefer black and white photos over color. If this picture were in color it wouldn't be as attention grabbing. It also looks like the photographer had to take this photo later in the day after all of the rush hour traffic is gone and the streets cleared. This may have been difficult to since the cars and people that could have been passing might have been blurry and made the picture way too busy. What I would have done differently is I would have zoomed out a little bit to get more of the buildings and the surroundings

This is how I was inspired by the photo was the way that the buildings pieces of art work. I also used to leading lines of the buildings but I did not use the rule of thirds the way that the photographer did.

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