Friday, December 11, 2015

Haley Walsworth- Museum Visit

Description: I used a picture from the Kendell College of Art and Design. The picture is photographed by Anna Mae Kamps. The scene of the photograph appears to be in a house. The walls are painted a dark tan color which adds to the mood. There is a young girl sitting in the right hand corner of the photograph, with only the window light shining in on her hand, which is covering some of her face. The girl sits in front of a white door and is mostly shadowed besides her hand and her hair.

Why I enjoy it: I enjoy this piece mostly because it is something different. Although the photograph is a head on shot, the colors and light makes the photograph more meaningful to me. Looking at this photograph allowed me to imagine what was going through her mind and imagine a story for her.
Technique: This piece is using the rule of thirds by placing the girl in the right hand corner of the picture. By using this rule, the viewer can guess that perhaps she is not the main focus. With this being said, the light from the window captures the attention and is the focal point of this picture. Besides the light from the window, there is no other source of light, which adds more of darker tone to the whole picture.

Interpretation: At first, this photo made me feel sad. Perhaps the girl in the corner had depression or was struggling with a loss. But as I continued to look at this picture, I felt a sense of home. To me, this picture brings both of feelings. The light from the window adds a sort of dimension to the picture that normal house lighting wouldn’t bring. The way the girl is hiding her face adds a short of character to her that wouldn’t be their if she was just smiling at the camera.

Judgment: I really like this photo. It may look bland to some, but it pulled a story without much thought. I love how simple all the elements in this photo are, but they still draw emotion from the viewer.

I wanted to portray the sadness but also feeling of home in this photo. I wanted to convey the same sort of mood and lighting in this picture. Making sure that the lighting was dim, and that I only had one true source of light, like the museum picture. 

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