Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hannah Taplin - Museum Visit

Photograph Title: Thomas

Photographer: Robert Mapplethorpe 

Location: Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Museum

Description: This photograph is part of a series done by Robert Magglethorpe in 1987. The series focuses on the contour of the male body, highlighting the strength in the subject's body as well as the beauty in the aurora that he assumes.

Why it stood out to me: I was stuck in the lobby of the Art Museum because I did not have the five dollars to get in or my student ID to get the discount. So, I wandered for a few minutes and came across Thomas. There was something powerful about seeing the male form in a different light, the strength and the beauty combined to create a three-dimensional human being. In this particular photograph it is hard to know the skin color but further research proved that Magglethorpe used this series to show the black man's form and show the homoeroticness of the 1980s in NYC's underground culture. So, I chose this photo 1) out of limited options and 2) the controversy and history behind it. 

Technique: The subject would have been full symmetrical if his left arm had not been up and his hand covering his face. However, this speaks to the meaning (will get back to that later). Another technique was his use of the lighting on the subject's back and shoulders, giving off an abstract power in the nude modelling. The black and white doesn't give nostalgia but a dark tone. 

Interpretation: As said before when regarding the face covering the hand, thus ruining the symmetry, it is hiding the face of the subject, as if there is a secret or a hidden emotion lying underneath.  The position gives a message of vulnerability amidst the strength portrayed and an effort to protect oneself. 

Judgement: I love this photo. I love the history behind it and Magglethorpe's technique of creating strength in vulnerability and vice versa. It reminds me that humanity is both devastating and beautiful.

Inspired photo: Given CU's policy on nudity, I couldn't copy this photo to the t. So, I decided to convey my interpretation into the photo. I forced my sister to help me after visiting the museum during Thanksgiving break. It was during this time when we found out that a family friend was knocking on death's door, so I had her translate those emotions into the photo. There was a way that the light that was coming into her room through the blinds that held something similar to Thomas. The white walls and the sun coming in promised of a bright future but the white scarf also threatened to choke her, her hair messy and clothes dark. 

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