Monday, December 14, 2015

Museum Assignment - Zach Streitmatter

Description: For my museum assignment I chose a photograph from Kendall college. The photo I chose is a black and white image of a towel to the right of a shower door with light from the window that is out of frame to the left falling on the towel and casting interesting shadows as well. I really like this piece because of the the way that it utilizes light and shadow to make everyday objects interesting and dynamic.

Technique: I think the most prominent technique in used in this image is texture. Part of the reason for that is the way that a colorless image emphasizes the shape and texture of objects. The towel’s texture is a prominent feature of this image as well as the way the light and shadows from the window effect the appearance of that texture.

Interpretation: I think the intent of this piece is to show the beauty in the everyday and cast something that we would typically consider boring or commonplace in a new light. The point of this piece seems to be to make the viewer think about and see the appearance of this common scene rather than just glance over it as most people probably do day to day.

Judgment: Ultimately I really enjoy this piece I find the focus on light, shadow and texture inspiring and I really like the concept of trying to capture the everyday in new and different ways that make the viewer truly think about and contemplate the things that we so often take for granted.

This is my attempt to capture something everyday in a unique and thought provoking way. Rather than using light and shadow to capture something commonplace in a different light so to speak, I opted for using a reflection to draw attention to the door in a different way from how one would usually see it.  

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