Monday, May 1, 2017

Gallery Visit// Taylor Flickinger

Many of the drawings and paintings at Kendall were inappropriate for Cornerstone's eyes. Many of them had a darker portrayal to them. This drawing was one of the ones more suited for Cornerstone. It still has a bit of a darker ring to it. The woman has raggedy hair and much of her background is just faded darkness. Her clothes are tattered and she seems a bit run down. There is a bit of mystery to her.

This picture was actually inspired by an accident. I took a picture of someone with high ISO against this kind of background and it looked like she was painting. So i retook the photo and her silhouette looks very much like a painting. She looks kind of desolate, and her story seems to be shrouded in darkness and mystery.

F 5.0
ISO 1600
Shutter 1/125

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