Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Gallery visit// JuChan Moon

This picture stood out to me at the Kendal visit. This photo taken by an unknown photographer stood out to me. There are four oranges chairs on the left and two orange chairs on the right on top of some kind of structure in the air facing away from the viewers. There is a girl sitting on the one of the chairs on the right side, she is looking forward. We can also see the blue sky and the white clouds but I feel like the girl is staring at a building that looks like a school. I think this symbolizes her looking at her future. The photo has selective focus on the girl and the chairs and it uses negative space. I like this photo because it relates to me and my uncertain future. Sometimes I just think of what I might do with my life and uncertainty is the result.

My photo that I chose has basically the same meaning as the one in the art visit. The subject is walking on a rail road facing away from the camera. The rail road helps focus the subject because of the leading lines and it also uses the vanishing point technique which gives the photo the endless walking feeling. It can be described as walking in a direction of uncertainty. My future is uncertain right now and that’s what I tried to show with the image.

1/2000 sec
ISO- 400

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