Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Gallery Visit: Amanda Buffum

I visited the Kendall College’s Art Gallery with the rest of the photography class when we went during one of our class periods. I found a photograph that I really liked and will describe it in more detail. It was a picture of one strawberry cut in half. There was no knife in the picture, and the strawberry was laying on it’s rounded back so that the audience could see the symmetrical insides of the berry. The green top was still in tact, and one of the halves of the strawberry (the one on the right) was higher up on the photograph than the other.

The background was all white except for the strawberries and imprints of each half right below them. I believe the white background was a blank sheet of white printer paper. It looked as if the photographer had stamped the paper with the strawberry’s juice in order to show the outline and figure of the strawberry halves. The main subject was the strawberries and they occupied the upper third of the photo. The lighting was very well lit and it looked like the photographer used natural lighting. There was hardly a shadow in the picture. Most of the frame was white negative space. The color of the strawberry was very vibrant and you could still make out some detail of the lines of white and red in the strawberry. From a bystander, it looked as if the strawberry was popping out of the picture.

I love this piece because it was so simple but very captivating. The color contrast between the white background and the red of the strawberry caught my eye. I also love strawberries, so of course I liked the subject of the photo. It had great use of natural lighting and liked the fact that there was hardly a shadow. It looked like a happy photo to me which made me feel good emotions about the photo. I also love fruit and think it reflects a healthy lifestyle of living, which is super important to me and is a big part of my life.

I feel like this photo could have had a meaning about how life is so simple but yet we really complicate it a lot of times. We can stress about things or worry or doubt, but those things don’t make our lives any better in the long-run. I feel like the photo relaxed me a bit and allowed me to take a deep breath. I think I really connected with this photo because I have a tendency to stress out about things that don’t matter in the long-run or worry about things, and this photo reminded me that everything is going to be okay. God is in control and holds me in His hands. Life is simple. Trust in Him and things will be alright. This might be far from what the photographer intended, but that is what I got from it.

After looking at this photograph, it inspired me to shoot a photo like it. I chose to shoot a photo of fruit as well, with the strawberries as the focal point of the photo. I shot a photo of a variety of fruit that I cut up and the picture is located below. I decided to include the knife in my photo as the other one did not. I also was much more close to the subject in order to capture more detail. I used natural light just like the first photo and I also made it feel as if the strawberries are popping out of the frame. I used rule of thirds like the first photo but located my subject in the lower right corner of the photo. I also feel like I was able to capture happy feelings in my photo with the bright colors of the different fruit. I also did not use as much negative space as the other photo, but included some negative space in the top section of my photo.

ISO 3200
Shutter 1/100

After looking at this photograph, it inspired me to shoot a photo like it. I chose to shoot a photo of fruit as well, with the strawberries as the focal point of the photo. I shot a photo of a variety of fruit that I cut up and the picture is located below. I decided to include the knife in my photo as the other one did not. I also was much more close to the subject in order to capture more detail. I used natural light just like the first photo and I also made it feel as if the strawberries are popping out of the frame. I used rule of thirds like the first photo but located my subject in the lower right corner of the photo. I also feel like I was able to capture happy feelings in my photo with the bright colors of the different fruit. I also did not use as much negative space as the other photo, but included some negative space in the top section of my photo.

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