Monday, May 1, 2017

Gallery Visit: Preston Cawagas

 I had the privilege to tour Kendall University which is a art school located in downtown Grand Rapids. It is also the school Phrene graduated from. It was awesome looking around the different floors seeing the many different photos and art pieces done by other students. I saw many different types of photos at Kendall, but this one stood out to me the most. The reason for that is its a great picture and its simple. I love taking photos of sports, landscape, and really simple great photos. what i mean by simple is no use of props or lighting. Using what the environment gives you as a back drop is what I like to take pictures of.

ISO 400 
When you first look at this photo I know what most of you are thinking it is not exactly like the museum photo above, but I took a different approach to the inspiration. When looking through other students museum photos there were some amazing recreation photos, and I could have easily taken my subject and have them stand at the exact spot in downtown GR and take his photo like the one above. Like i mentioned above i enjoy using the outdoors and environment as my back drop. for the museum photo the photography used the city, which is great i used that same idea and took it to the forest. I wanted to portray the trees to represent the big and tall world ahead. my model in this photo and I are both seniors and plan on graduating in a few days. the adult world is coming quick and its is a big world full of opportunities. 

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