This is a picture of a pile of wood pieces. It is mostly pallets of wood thrown into a pile. There is one yellow fire hydrant and the ground and wood has some snow in it. The picture has a very cold feeling to the picture. It is mostly browns with some whites. I find it cool to look at because it is just an ordinary thing, but the artist has the ability to make it look unique. It is really just a pile of junk but it still looks fascinating. I think that lighting was a key technique for this picture. It has many interesting shadows that bring out the piece. Also the random spec of yellow from the hydrant was an interesting splash of color. I think the artist was trying to convey that even in the mess there is still something worth looking at. Even though it is crazy and crowded sometimes it is needed. The picture I took is similar in the fact that it uses mostly colder colors some greens are in there because it is spring. My picture is more of nature's mess instead of man-made mess, but I felt that it was my way of showing that even though it is not the most beautiful thing or the most well put together area it is still a very unique feel to it. The original artist picture was a piece that I really enjoyed and I felt the artist did a good job leaving the view thinking and wanting more from his work.

ISO 200
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