Monday, May 1, 2017

Gallery Visit: Noelle Goodson

This image instantly stood out to me. Both pictures are in black and white. The left picture depicts a man with a wide eye looking intently through a door. In the right picture there is a women on the other side of the door who is not looking directly at the camera, but seems to be a bit distressed. Lighting played a big part of both of the pictures. Framing is also very important in these pictures. Both have the edges of a door on both sides. 

When first looking at the picture, I thought it was about how each person has a different viewpoint, and everyone sees the world a little big differently. After reading the artists description, there is a little bit more meaning behind it. 

This photo represents a voyeur who is looking at someone in a vulnerable moment. The artist talks about how the viewer doesn't care about the person in the picture, they only care about what they can get from them in the end. Reading the description, gives so much more meaning to the photographs. I think the artist did a good job with them. 

                                      ISO 200                                                                                      ISO 200  
                                               f/4.5                                                                                            f/4.5
                                                1/8                                                                                               1/5

    I was inspired to create two images that had the same concept of framing. Both the pictures have dark tones, and you cannot see the full face in either shot. I decided to tweak the meaning of the pictures I took.

Social media is so prevalent in our world today. Everyone is so intrigued to learn more about the lives of other people. The left photo represents a viewer. They are interested, but somewhat disturbed or put off, yet they don't turn away. The right photo represents someone who is putting very personal things online, almost as a cry for help. They know that people are viewing their content, yet no one is stepping up to help.

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