Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Gallery Visit // Charity Hamme

                                                                                                          ISO 1600    f/2    1/15
               The photo I selected when we went to Kendall was a picture of a person with a silk scarf or cloth covering the whole face and upper body. The picture appears to have been taken in a studio because of the harsh shadows that are cast around the fabric. Although the face is covered with cloth, the viewer is still able to see the outline of the eye sockets as well as a shadow where the eyebrows are. The picture has a gloomy/mysterious feel to it due to the covered face and harsh shadows.
           I enjoy this picture because it is mysterious; I want to keep looking at it because I can’t see the face. The way the shadows fall help me discern certain details, but overall, I am not able to fully see the face.  I like that the photo is in black and white because it really adds to the mysterious and creepy feel of the photo.
            To me, this photo shows how important the face is, because it is hiding it. In pictures, the face is usually so vital is showing emotion or creating a feeling, but this photographer uses other elements to send a message. The cloth, the hidden face makes us feel a different emotion; the photo has a gloomier feel.
            I really enjoy this piece because it draws me in. I want to figure out why the face is hidden, I can come up with a story in my head. I don’t get bored looking at, instead I want to uncover the mystery of the face and why it is being hidden.

       The photo I decided to take with the photo above as my inspiration includes fabric and being in black and white. I did not take this photo with studio lighting; however, my photo is also a portrait, however, other aspects of my photo are different; I am showing part of the face. I still want mystery to be a part of my image and there is still a melancholy feel.

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