Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tyler Coyne - Composition

Depth of Field
ISO - 400
Aperture - f/5
Shutter - 1,/4,000

Blurred Motion
ISO - 400
Aperture f/9
Shutter - 1/3

Depth of Field
ISO - 400
Aperture - f/4.5
Shutter - 1/4,000


  1. 1. The photo is a stop sign in a neighborhood. The bright red of the stop sign helps it stand out from the rest of the picture. The road, telephone wires and houses leading into the sign help provide leading lines.
    2. The photo is Alex with his dog looking around to create motion blur. The shutter being used is 1/3, but it should only be at max 1/60. In the photo Alex is very crisp in his white shirt while his black dog is not.
    3. The photo is a parks sign on a chain linked fence with some basketball hoops in the background. The chain linked fence and snow help provide negative space. The main focus of the photo is the sign while the hoops serve as background. Although the sign is focused, the chain linked fence is also focused.

  2. 1. The photo is a clear day in a neighborhood. Focus on the signs. The crisp and clear of the signs verses the slightly blurred background makes this a stronger piece as a selective focus composition. I am captured by the boldness of color as well as the blend of the beauty of nature (trees and snow) and then the houses and signs in the neighborhood. It gives me a sense of peace and clarity.
    2. The photo is of Alex and his black dog. It is an example of blurred motion. While I like the stark contrast of the white shirt and the black dog. I think this concept would have been capturing the dog while running or scratching or playing, this picture appears, to me, that the dog accidently moved. It would work better I think if the blurred motion looked a bit more intentional.
    3. This is a picture of a park's regulations on a chain link fence. This picture contains several concepts: rule of thirds, depth of field, and negative space. The placement of the sign in focus and the basketball hoop behind the chain link fence gives me a sense of something forbidden. Almost a prohibition of any admittance until the rules are read and followed. This is an effective set up well done
    -------------Amber Farnum

  3. I really liked how you focused on the stop sign and it was so clear. I really liked both of your depth of field photos, I wonder what it would look like to do the deep depth of field in the picture of the fence.
    -Maggie Vosler
