Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mitch Chamberlain- DOF and motion

Blur motion
ISO: 800
Shutter speed: 1/60
Aperture: f5.6

Shallow Depth of field
ISO: 1600
Shutter speed: 1/60
Aperture: f4.0

Deep Depth of field
ISO: 800
Shutter speed: 1/60
Aperture: f7.2 


  1. Comment by Benjammin' Seward

    1st Picture is a creative way to capture motion of the fan! I like how the fan's center is on the rule of thirds and I really like the red color of the bed and the green floor. It gives a cool almost Christmas background.

    Third Picture: Well composed. Lights on the rule of thirds and has enough space to shine its light. I like the newspapers on the desk. This picture doesn't really have a lot of depth of field unfortunately though,. Try lowering your f/stop next time more and maybe get closer to the light for more drama and more effective use of aperture? Good job!

  2. 1. A very simplistic picture but very aesthetically pleasing. Everything about this picture is smooth in texture and lines. The blankets of course are smooth but so is the motion of the fan. I do think the motion of the fan could be stronger at a different angle. Head on doesn't really clearly show the actual motion.
    2. I love this one! The use of lighting, shade, and high ISO to create the grain texture of the wall it's lying on gives a cold and old feeling, very dramatic of lighting! WONDERFUL!
    3. picture good use of the rule of thirds. I would suggest maybe even allowing the lamp light to be ( or close to ) your only light. See what happens. :) I like them! Well done!
    ---------Amber Farnu
