Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Taylor Rabineau: DOF and Motion

Blur Motion
Shutter: 1/13
Ap: f/4
ISO: 400

Deep DOF
Shutter: 1/200
Ap: f/9
ISO: 200
Shallow DOF
Shutter: 1/30
Ap: f/5
ISO: 400


  1. Critique By: Annie Hanson
    Image 1: A girl shakes a light glow stick machine violently, taking out her frustrations on the object. Interpreting the photo, I sense the girls frustration as she takes out her frustrations of the glow stick machine, wishing her life was as exciting as a glow stick machine. :P In all honesty though, the photo is too blurry to make out what it actually is, but it still looks like it was a lot of fun.
    Image 2: The photo is of some berries that are against the clear blue skies. The berries sit patiently on their perch, watching the clear skies and waiting for the birds to return from their winter vacation to eat them so that they too can soar across the blue sky ocean. ;) This photo is BEAUTIFUL. I would hang it up on my wall. How did you get that awesome shallow depth of field with an aperture of f/9? Awesome!
    Image 3: The image is of the edge of a coffee cup. The photo takes us to the eyes of a man who is staring at the edge of his coffee cup, trying to avoid making eye contact with the cute barista whom he has admired from afar for years. I also would hang this photo up in my home, it could be in a coffee shop too. ;) You probably could have backed up from the cup a little more though.

  2. Image 1- The colors really stand out with the black background which adds to the picture. Very unique idea.

    Image 2- Great use of depth of field. My eye is drawn to the berries that are further away. The clear blue sky make the red berries pop more.

    Image 3- This is a cool angle, except maybe could have included more of the background or zoomed out just a little bit.
