Thursday, February 26, 2015

Alex Clausing DOF and Motion

1) ISO- 1600
3) ISO-100


  1. Critique By: Annie Hanson
    Image 1: The image is of a girl kicking in the air. It appears she is kicking away the cold, trying to stay warm under her hoodie. Though the photo is a bit under exposed and the foot is a bit blurry everything looks crisp and together.

    Image 2: The image is of a girl kicking in the air. It appears she is kicking away the cold, trying to stay warm under her hoodie. The exposure looks really good in this photo, and the motion of the kick is blurry.

    Image 3: The image is of a pine tree in a wintery wonderland. It represents that there is life after the winter is done--as the pine trees continue to live afterward. The tree stands out and is crisp against the winter backdrop, allowing it to contrast well and stand out.

  2. Critique: Beth Barry
    Image 1: Image one is slightly underexposed though it follows the rule of thirds! Motion stop is good overall except for in the foot where there is some blur.
    Image 2: Image two has decent exposure, follows the rule of thirds and has neat motion blur going on with the leg and arm movements.
    Image 3: Image three has a well done shallow depth of field! It too follows the rule of thirdhand provides a nice contrast between the tree and snow. Plus there is negative space! There is a bit of texture going on from the DOP where the pine tree is sharp and pokey and the background is soft.
    Great Job!
