Thursday, February 26, 2015

Amber Farnum 3 composition pictures (Shallow Depth of Field.,Blurred Motion, Deep depth of field

shallow depth of field
Aperature  F4.8
Shutter 1-10
ISO 100

Blurred Motion
Aperature F5.6
Shutter 1/4
ISO 100

Deep depth of Field
Aperature F3.5
Shutter 1-3
ISO 100
(White Balanced) fluorescent 2 B3, M2


  1. 1st Picture: Good! It's really simple but it's really effective. It preserves the mystery of what lies beyond the stairs. I like how the stairs are dark but the walls keep their detail/texture.

    3rd Picture: Really cool! It's such an awesome angle. It really keeps the focus of the viewer and it really gives the impression of how big and dramatic a performance is!

    1. Sorry! That first comment above is written by Ben Seward!

  2. Comment written by: Taylor Rabineau
    Pic 1) This photo has a sense of mystery...darkness. I really appreciate how it evokes emotion with just one look.
    Pic 2) You had great use of symmetry in this photo.
    Pic 3) You definitely took advantage of space. The photo is simple yet dramatic, and it makes the viewer wonder what sort of performance will be given.
