Monday, February 23, 2015

Motion and depth of field- Allie Dahl

Deep depth of field: 1/160"; f11; ISO 250

Shallow depth of field: 1/100"; f5.3; ISO 1400

Stop motion. I adjusted this picture in picture manager to give it a sinister feel. 1/250; f7.1; ISO 100


  1. I love the way you used negative space and contrasted it with the color of the frog in the second photo. It really helps create visual appeal in the photo. You used leading lines and lighting are very well in the first two as well. The third photo has a very visible purple tint to it. It is a little bit strange. I don't know what can be done to change it but it my be helpful to change it. It distracts from the rest of the picture. The first thing I noticed was that it was purple.

    1. I did the purple tint on purpose to give it a darker feel, but I think it did turn out more purple and less dark than I intended.
