Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Beth Barry: DOF and Motion

Deep DOF
Shutter: 1/4000
Aperture: f/4
ISO:  400

Motion Blur
Shutter: 1/2.5
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 400

Shallow DOF
Shutter: 1/200
Aperture: f/22
ISO: 400


  1. These are nice pictures. The shallow and deep DOF should be switched, though. a deep depth of field means the background is more focused, and a higher aperture number. That's ok, though. The pictures are really well done. The pictures of the berries seems optimistic, and I got a "spring is coming soon" vibe from them. You follow the rule of thirds perfectly and your exposures are on point. The blur motion picture lacks emotion in my opinion, but the composition was done well. Rule of thirds, exposure, head room, all done well. Overall, a good job.

  2. Image 1- Great angle with the clocktower in the background! The berries follow rule of thirds which is always a plus. The berries add a nice color to the picture.

    Image 2- Although I don't know what the blurred object is, she looks a little frightened as to what is coming at her. Great job with the motion blur.

    Image 3- The clocktower is in focus this time, except the berries should be out of focus to get the depth of field. But still a great picture!

  3. Image 1: I love the focus on the berries with the clock tower in the back slightly visible! The color and vibrancy from the berries is stunning! Great job!

    Image 2: I'm digging the untold story from the picture with the expression on your subjects face. But the picture is a little too blurry for me and takes away from the rest of the picture.

    Image 3: I enjoy being able to see more of the clock tower but I think it would be more cool if the berries were more out of focus and the clock tower more in focus. But I still love the picture!
