Thursday, February 26, 2015

DOF & Motion- Kaitlin Holbrook

Deep DOF 
Aperture: F/4.2
bbShutter: 1/40
ISO: 1600

Shallow DOF
 Aperture: F/9
Shutter: 1/30
ISO: 800

Stop Motion
 Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 1/200
ISO: 800


  1. The first picture is visually appealing. Although it you represent it as a depth of field picture, it also has the frame within a frame aspect which is nice. The second picture shows depth of field more clearly. The subject in the background is very fuzzy and the closer subject is very clear. The third picture really shows depth of field well. I would like to see the shutter speed be higher on that picture though. Maybe the colors would be a little more vibrant. Good job!

  2. 1. It is a photo of a staircase taken from the side along a brick wall. The patterns of the bricks create a very crisp and unique photo. Although not intended, the handrail does stand out because of how bright it is compared to the rest of the picture.

    2. It is a photo of two maps that were turned into decorations. The folds of the map leading into the center of the decoration help create leading lines.

    3. It is a photo of some kind of shrubbery. All of the intricate branches coming to the middle once again help provide leading lines. The snow in the background looks very dark, so perhaps change the shutter speed or time of day you take the photo.
