The photo above grabbed my attention for many different reasons. First, I loved the use of colors, it felt very monochromatic. Although there is nothing beautiful about gas pumps, I am drawn to this photos. Furthermore, I love how they mixed both a women in the outdoors in a picture that no one was expecting. I would never guessed to be inspired by a photo of a gas pump. And I appreciate the originality of finding beauty in something not beautiful. To conclude, I really like three more things, the use of thirds, the depth of field, and use of the city in the background.
Therefore in my photos, a lot of the deeper/existential ideas I got from it came directly from the photo above. Now for my photo, I wanted your attention to be drawn to the background. Your eyes should pass the girl, and focus more on the characteristics of the house and fence behind her. They contradict her. They are damaged, dirty, broken, worn down, and focused, while she is put together, clean, smiling, happy, and out of focus. Also, the photo matches the monochromatic scheme; all being a shade of brown. She is also in the city where we are confined to our little corners of the world. And even though we could live next to someone, (as you can see the house in the top right corner) we could easily be worlds apart. Lastly, It is important to note that she is out of focus, and the background is dirty because it is easy to see an image of our acquaintance that shallow. We guess pieces of their lives without ever really getting to know the whole story behind them.

ISO 800 . F5.6 . 1/4000 .
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