Sunday, April 30, 2017

Gallery Visit // Fernanda Calzada

The picture that stood out to me the most to me while visiting Kendall Photography was about a girl that was partly covering her face. Her hands were pulling part of her sweater up to cover up to her nose. The sweater is black as well as the background, and even though the picture is in black and white you can notice that the girl has blonde hair. She has bangs and her hair is in a bun.  I really liked this picture because is a little mysterious since the girl partly covering her face and it’s in black and white; I think the photographer was trying to show something through this since the girl is the only thing in the picture, maybe like is she was hiding something or doesn’t want people to find or see something about herself. Since the girl is exactly in the middle and there’s nothing else in the picture I can see that the technique that was used for this picture was selective focus. I think this is a good picture; it is simple since there is just one person in the picture, but the details in her face are clear and by the picture being black and white it makes it a little more dramatic, but it remains simple.

ISO 1600

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