Sunday, April 30, 2017

Gallery Visit, Julia Stevens

F/4.5  Shutter: 1/15 sec  ISO: 400

            The piece of work I chose is a folk-art esc print of a girl surrounded by nature, as though she’s standing in the forest. The two identical images of the girl’s face in vibrant orange and blue overlap so that the nature background of leaves and branches in the orange image appear over the face of the girl in the blue image, almost like a shadow. The expression of the girl’s face is peaceful and calm, her eyes closed and her hair loose as she slightly smiles. I was drawn to this piece because of its simplicity and its stylistic appeal. While accessible it also suggests a lot. The overlapping technique used with the two images being combined into one, and the contrast of colors (blue being cool, and orange warm, as well as opposites on the color wheel) give it dimension and vivacity and use of the rule of thirds emphasizes her surroundings (nature). I believe that this piece is about entering a new stage of life, and the relationship we have with our former selves. The colors propose a change of seasons as the plants represent new growth and as the leaves transition from the foreground of the blue image to the background of the orange image it shows that she has just come out of something. The closed eyes could signify dreaming of or remembering the past, which will always be with her. I personally think that the print was well done. It is aesthetically pleasing yet down to earth and has a distinctive style.

           The photo I have taken was meant to capture the transitional feeling of the print by using a slow shutter speed, allowing movement. I chose a similar natural background but tried to mirror the original piece in where I placed the model. My model was also a boy instead of a girl. I believe that the message of this piece can translate to anyone. We all change over time, and yet our memories stay with us. 
F/29  Shutter: 3.2 sec  ISO: 100

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