Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Stefanie Sherman - Kendall Art Gallery Critique

In this photo the subject, a woman, is sitting cross-legged in an empty parking lot. There are bushes behind her and a building of some sort with arches. It looks as though the sun is going down and it is golden hour. 
The strengths of this photo are the photographer's use of good composition. The photographer had his subject sit on a line that he himself was sitting on, and therefore it becomes a straight line from the camera to the woman, a leading line. This line draws our attention to the woman and gives her graphic weight. The photographer also used the anti-rule of thirds and placed his subject in the dead centre. This also gives her graphic weight. Symmetry was created by the bushes behind the woman and the other yellow lines that connect perpendicularly to the main line leading to woman.
The weakness of this photo are the building in the background and the differing shades of sunlight on the building. They create noise and are distracting from the woman. 
This photo brings to mind that we all have a path in life. The way the woman is sitting reminds me of the Buddhist faith and the lines remind me of paths or roads. We all have a path in life. This photo seems to point toward the woman's path. 

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