Thursday, November 19, 2015

Shylia Fletcher- Kendall Art Gallery

       In this photo was taken on a one way street with cars on both side of the road stretching far back into the photograph. There is no beautiful sunlight peering through the clouds illuminating the street but there is a hint that it is in the middle of the day because their is some source of natural light. The sun is block by thick clouds and fog consumes the background of the photograph wrapping its tenderness through the body of the trees and kissing the dampness of the crack black road. The photographer is standing more to the left side of the road making the cars on the left closer up to the filed of focus than the cars on the right. The leading lines of the marks on the road leads our eyes to the middle of the photo down the street. The fact that it looks to be in a residential area means that the streets is somewhat quiet and not too busy. The cars parked on the road indicates that the families are home, just out of school or work. The simple photo pulls on the heart strings of being home. The black and white photo calls for a more intense mood of serenity.
       Strengths: The photographer definitely play with their depth of field and lighting. You can tell the photographer used a smaller depth of field because the background is visible making the fog visible. IT only cuts out the rest of the background because the fog blurs it out. Even though its a black and white photo you can tell that there is some source of light but it just enough to allow the viewer to see the fog, see the cars and the trees. There's no subject focus but for this photograph it works. The picture can tell multiple of stories leaving it up to the viewer to experience it in their point of view.

        Weaknesses: I think the photographer should have played more with their focal length. I mention in strengths that the photographer played with their depth of field but didn't really embrace it as much. It would have made a difference if they would have step back or snap their photo from another angle but still in the same spot. I feel that there were more ways to take this photo.

 This show the photo a bit better of what I was seeing when looking at it. The photograph captures an mature mood. It is like the photographer is beckoning for the viewer to partake in the quiet little neighbor in all its entirety. It could be a possible walking trail parking lot on the left back side of the photo which could mean that the neighborhood is near a park. Inviting the viewer to see the peacefulness of the town. Even though the sky is gray and eerie-like, there is a moment of peace...sort of like a graveyard without the headstones (the cars could be a representation of headstones). The photographer may want us to see the street as a ghost town. There is literally no one on the sidewalk or entering into their vehicle. The street is dead which is why I find it a peaceful piece. The photo could mean that the world is dying because there is no person figure in this photo. All that is left behind is all the materialistic things such as the cars and the buildings; it's like all the humans disappeared off the face of the earth. It reminds me of the movie I Am  Legend!!!

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