Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kayla Herrmann-Kendall Photography Critique

        In the photo, there is man that is leaning against something and he is holding his head in his hands. There is a helmet and vest nearby implying that he is in the military, looks like the Army. From the soldier's body language, he looks distressed and burdened. The photo is in black and white which adds to the somber feel of the image. The soldier's face cannot be seen so you don't really know what expression is on his face but by looking at his stance, he seems troubled.
        This photo evokes emotion because it showcases the sorrow of another human being and a soldier. Not many people can personally relate to what soldiers have to endure and this photo really makes a person feel empathy towards the man. 
        The lighting in this photo is nice because it illuminates what is important in the photo: the soldier, his helmet, and his vest. The choice to make the photo black and white was good because it furthers the gloomy feel that the photo already has. This photo just did a really good job of showing the soldier's emotions and evoking the emotions of the people viewing the photo. There is so much to get out of this photo and there are only really three main parts to the photo. 

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