Thursday, November 19, 2015

Heather Martin -- Kendall Photography Critique

      In this picture there is a girl in the dark, who seems to be holding a sparkler and as she spins around the sparkler makes different shapes and patterns that the photographer was able to catch on camera. The sparkler was waved around just enough to bring enough light into the picture to see the girls facial feature and get a  glimpse of her legs in the night. It was able to grab my attention due to the bright color in front of such a dark background. It makes you wonder what the girl in the photo is thinking, and what inspired the photographer to capture her in this moment. The lines from the movement of the sparkler wrap around the girls protection and I immediately think protection, maybe it represents her shielding herself from those around her because it kind of looks like a wall of fire.
       It doesn't necessarily feel dark even thought there is very little in the matter of light, you can't see the girls face but she's spinning around maybe out of joy, it doesn't have to be a way to shield people out but maybe a way of expressing her joy and adoration of life and the extraordinary things in this world.
      There is texture applied to the photo due to the sparkler, and the lighting must have been carefully considered because there was not a lot to go by. There is not a lot of things going on in this picture, but there is still a lot to look at due to the sparkler that wraps around this girl, it was a nice touch and did a lot to the photo.

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