Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Haley Walsworth- Art Gallery Critique

     This set of photos grabbed my attention while looking at all the different kinds of photography. To me, this photo shows what home is and feels like. Home is somewhere you know you can relax and enjoy your time. The first picture, starting from the left, shows a house that invites one in. The middle picture shows the clothes and a living space that one could do work or study at. And lastly the third picture shows a bed which one can at the end of the day rely on to relax. All the photos are shot in black and white so it adds an extra dimension and intensity to the photos. This is a strength in my opinion. If this set of photos were shot in color there would not have been that instant warmth feeling portrayed from the photos. Each of the three photos resemble something different about "home" and to me bring a different story as they go along.

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