Thursday, November 19, 2015

Reagan Hoezee -- Kendall gallery assignment

In this photograph, I see a person standing with a box over their head standing against a plain background. The person is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, slightly darker than the background, with a shadow being cast on the person's left arm. The person fills nearly the entire frame, except for the top,where there are a few inches of headroom. The box has a black smiley face spray painted onto it. The entire picture, is a cream color, except for the shadow and black paint.

I like the simple appeal of the photo, as well as the mostly-monochromatic coloring. There is also good lighting, as the background is lighter than the foreground. It prevents the person from blending in with the background, and causes the face to really "pop."

The photo is rather simple, but seems to possess a deeper meaning. It gives the impression that the subject is hiding something--most likely some negative emotion, like sadness or anger. The subject doesn't want anyone to know they are hurting, so they use the box as a social barrier. It helps them not feel so vulnerable. They also do not want to stick out or may not want their emotion to negatively affect others, so they put forth a false feeling of joy.

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