Monday, December 12, 2016

William Horton-Gallery

            I went to the gallery at Calvin College and saw a picture that drew me. In the back of the picture there is a two story house. It is made up of all brick. On the second floor there are five windows going across and on the side of the house there are another two windows. The roof is arched and then goes down like a barn. There is one large chimney on the roof. On the first level of the house the house is white with four windows going across. The door to the house is in the middle although it looks like there is no door. Next to the house is a large garage. It has a pillar holding it up and then there is the walls on both sides that hold it up as well leaving a big gap in the middle. The roof is flat but then arches up a little. In the back of the garage it is white while the front seems to be brown because one side is made of wood while the other seems to be made of cement or rocks. Around the house there are two trees. The leaves on these trees are red suggesting it is autumn. There are not many leaves on the trees also.
 One tree is in the back of the house and the other is in the front. The tree in the back of the house is in the midst of bushes that have a reddish brownish color to them. There were also a lot of trees to the left side of the house. After that there is a little wall made of white bricks. This wall is in front of the entrance to the house. It is always off from the house but is in front of the entrance. The wall provides stopping point in front of a river that has rapids. There is a little water fall. There are two walls, one in front of the river and one on the backside of the river.

I like this piece because there is a lot of beauty to it and it seems peaceful. I think the river gives a sense of peace and exclusive, like it is in the middle of nowhere. The house is pretty because of the bricks and the tree that it hinds behind. I love the exclusivism that it gives off. I like that it is like a cabin house in the middle of nowhere. It seems like it would be a place to take a vacation.
                                     ISO:100, Aperture:f/16, and Shutter: 200
 I took this picture not just because of the waterfall but also it gives me a sense of peace. It makes me think of the time when I lived in the country.  I also loved living in the country and this picture reminds me a little bit of being there. We had a creek that had a little waterfall. We would at times go fishing. It was very nice.

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