Sunday, December 11, 2016

Matthew TeBos-Museum Visit

 Today I visited Fredrick Meijer Gardens. I saw all the world's Christmas trees. But one
 to me stuck out in particular. It was our tree. Well, the USA tree to be exact. And it wasn't like the

ones that we have in today's society. It was actually a post-WWII tree. This is what it looked like.

So this is is what your tree would've looked like if you lived back in the time of the second world

war. The sign near the Christmas tree explains what the tree is and what country that particular tree is 

from and explains the story of how the tree came into existence in today's world. They have trees 

from all over the world. I highly recommend if you are bored and have nothing else to do, head 

on over there for an amazing experience, especially if you aren't from this area of Grand Rapids or 

even if you aren't from Michigan at all. You need to go it will be amazing and you will love 

it i guarantee you. Ok, now onto the related picture and everything with that. So, for my related 

picture, I decided to take a picture of our own family Christmas tree and just say a few words about 

that. So, here is our tree. 

Yeah, this is our tree. It is quite short. But as you can probably see, there are a few differences. Like 

all the different ornaments on the tree and the story of the tree is different also. So that is my visit 

and my comparison. thank you.  


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