Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Museum Visit - Jordan Wynalda

ISO 200, f/1.7, 1/24
I went to the gallery at Calvin College and saw a piece of art that spoke to me. The piece of art was no painting, but rather a sculpture of sorts. The sculpture resembled a fish but was made up of many colors and had many scribbly lines in black that looks like a kid drew on it. The fish embodies a main color of yellow with a blue and red color for it’s head, fins, and tail. The sloppiness of the black lines bring happiness to the painting not only because it adds leading lines and detail, but because it can bring out the inner child in a person when admiring it.
The fish sculpture is on a stand so that it is about body height to most people. The red and blue colors for the head, fins, and tail have black spots throughout that add detail to the complexity of fish and the fish’s potential eggs. The warm colors and big mouth and eye bring a childlike happiness to the sculpture through the color tones being all mellow with a bright yellow core, that is toned down with the black scribbly lines. I enjoy this piece because its an official piece of art but has a childlike happiness to it. During the holidays all I want to do is be a child again and be home and enjoying my time off from school. I chose this piece because it makes me happy with how potentially ugly one could consider it while it also prominently displayed for many to see.
The techniques of carving the frame and bringing color to different parts to bring it alive show how complex yet enjoyable art can be. I think this piece is about the beautiful creatures of God’s planet and seas. The techniques in the framework and bright colors show that beauty has many different shapes and sizes. Through the friendly color usages and odd complexion the fish can appear to be imaginative or be done by a child. My interpretation of this piece is not only that God’s beauty can be seen in many ways but also that everyone has an inner-child that can bring happiness in many ways.
ISO 6400, f/3.5, 1/100
            This picture may appear very different from my museum photo, but in reality is very similar. This represents that same message as the fish sculpture, that art and beauty can be expressed in infinite ways. I like this photo because it appears ugly but through imagination great art can be seen in it. The child-like happiness displayed through the sculpture and many colors can also be seen here.  I like these photos because they resemble a world that can be changed and altered but was ultimately created one way by God with one purpose for our lives. These two photos are similar in that they both show that God's masterpiece of a creation can be beautifully shown anywhere one looks.

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