Thursday, October 15, 2015

Heather Martin - ArtPrize Assignment

When I went to ArtPrize, I focused more on the people, and I enjoyed the fact that all generations were able to find something they enjoyed. and I also took some pictures that capture the idea (or maybe stereotype) of those generations. In the first picture there is a toddler running after giant bubbles which can example the idea of how children that age, tend to be curious about the world and want to know more. In the second picture a mirror that looks like the pupil of an eye. This can represent teens more than anything but leads into the twenties as we start to think about how we fit into the world, and how we are seen by those around us, and finally there is a picture of an aged woman, looking at Moses and possibly thinking about the history that brought us to where we are today, which is common for that generation.Even though we are all in different stages of life, we can all come together and enjoy the same things. 

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