Monday, May 2, 2016

Victoria Pickens - Gallery Visit

I went and visited the gallery at Kendall College. While I was there the main gallery was closed so I went up the staircase and found this piece of work. It is dark and practically colorless only being black and white. It is high in contrast. It looks alike it is a painting of bones or tree roots but it’s not really distinguishable what the piece is of. It’s very dark and it creates a sense of dread. I believe it to be almost a mystical fairytale evil vibe to it. Personally, I love the piece. I love high contrast and use it in my own work. I also love the darkness and the awesome forms. I also love the ambiguities of it.

When using this to piece to inspire my photograph, I used the forms and the high contrast. I also wanted to give the same eerie vibe the painting gives. It almost has the same creepy and unwordly vibe.

ISO 200



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