Sunday, May 1, 2016

Redmond Thornhill-Inspired Picture from Gallery Assignment

                                                                  Aperture: 4.2
                                                            Shutter Speed: 1/60
                                                                    ISO: 1600
The inspiration to take this picture came from the color of it and how it matched the colors of the mountains in the art work and how it was isolated like those mountains. The photos in my gallery visit were about mountains and how the isolation of one of them added dramatic effect to it because it had isolation. The artist use of black and white is not depressing and its used to clarify the detail in the photo. The eagle relates to the last picture because it represents how the strongest will prevail and always does prevail. This also reminds me of how God is the one just like this Eagle is depicted in this photograph and how it survived and shows how God gives everlasting life throughout nature.

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