Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Amanda Ismail - Museum

Amanda Ismail:
Art inspired Photo

Went to Calvin College Fine Art Center and found this piece.

My Photo: 

ISO 200
[Edit: Black and White]

"I chose this art piece because it many parts in it, but all in a certain theme this gave me different ideas to do.  It's also in black and white, taking photos in black and white is something that I just don't usually do.  I thought I would challenge myself and try something new, particularly with this art piece.  I liked the tree stump aspect in it most, I noticed it first, but that is probably because I like nature and elements included about nature. In my photo I tried to take something incorporated the lines, tree stump, and silhouette affect, plus the curves in art piece.  This was also a "live" drawing on the campus when it was put up, I tried to incorporate the "live" or liveliness in taking the photo downtown where it is very active, in the photo its portrayed by the buildings pictured."                        - Amanda Ismail 

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