Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Gallery Visit-Liliana Merida

Woodland Poem III, IV, V by Jean Allemeier Boot

 f/6.3  1/800  ISO 3200

f/8.0  1/2500  ISO1600

f/8.0  1/800  ISO 1600

Gallery Visit
I went to the Lafontsee Gallery located on Lake Drive. I really liked that gallery and I would have never found out about it if it wasn’t for this assignment, so I’m glad I went. There were so many cool things there so it was kind of hard to pick from all of them. The one I decided to use for this assignment was a set of three drawings by the artist Jean Allemeier Boot. The name of the pieces of art is Woodland Poem III, IV, and V.
The first one is of a tree with no leaves. It is position on the right side of the paper. It looks like the top of the tree is cut off as well as the bottom of the tree, which gives the impression that the tree is very tall. Different sizes of branches are coming off of the wide trunk. The art piece is in black and white and it looks sort of fading.
The second drawing is of two trees close to each other. They are almost position towards the center of the paper. The second tree is slightly bending. The trees have some leaves. Again the drawing is in black and white with a little bit darker spots than the first one. The third drawing is of several trees. These trees have more leaves and appears that the viewer is standing a little bit further away from them to be able to see the trees from top to bottom. There is more contrast in this drawing giving it more definition. The technique used by the artist was etching. I think the artist wanted to show the transition from winter to spring as having one tree first with no leaves at all and then adding more details in the other two drawings. These drawings appear to be simple but I feel like having them in black and white allows the viewer to focus more on the shape and form of the trees. This is why I picked these drawings because I love how the trees are able to stand out against the background. I used this as an inspiration to take pictures of trees that were well defined and visible against the sky.

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