Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lauren Peters - Gallery Visit

I visited Kendal College of Art and design.
The picture I choose has 3 parts. The first one is a head shot however in only shows from the bottom of the nose to the shoulders. The girl in the picture is wearing a white shirt and there is a white background. The only color is the girl’s skin and her bright red lips. The second part of the picture is a photo of a simple white closet. It is empty besides 3 brightly colored shirts hanging on the right side. The first shirt is blue, then the second is yellow, and finely the third is red. The last part of the project is a picture of a dreary white day with a bright blue umbrella in the bottom right corner.
            I enjoyed this group of 3 pictures because of the use of color that the artist chose.  The pictures brought me back to memories or when I was younger. As a little kid I loved painting and creating art with anything I could get my hands on.  I loved adding life to my artwork with bright pops of color and that is exactly what the artist did here.
The artist used negative space in the composition to draw the viewers eye to the color. The contrast between white and color also helped give the picture visual weight. The artist purposefully used white and boring things in the pictures to make the bright colors pop more.
I think the artist was using this piece to show that the world without color would be boring. The pictures without the color would be less pleasing to the eye and looking boring and flat.
            I really like these pictures and the way the artist used color. I think it is very pleasing to the eye. I especially liked the one of the girl’s lips and the pop of red as well as the blue umbrella picture.
I was inspired to take a picture of the clock because I really liked the pop of pink that it had. I liked how the pink really stood out off of the white wall and the white background of the clock. 

ISO 400 F/5.6 Shutter Speed 1/60

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