Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Joey Frass - Muesum Visit


            For my museum assignment, I chose to critique a painting from Friedel Dzubas called Sentenial.  At first glance, I hated this painting.  It appeared to be a bunch of colors on a canvas, with no true meaning behind it.  I was walking the Grand Rapids Art Musesum, stopped, and said, “How is this art?”  Elizabeth then questioned me and asks me to explain why I didn’t like it.  As I was explaining why I didn’t like it, I realized how it was actually a very unique piece.
            My assessment of the image was that it told a story.  The story is that a mother is exhausted from a long hard day.  She pours herself a glass of wine and sits down to relax for the evening.  Her sons are playing with theirs in another room, and being quite loud.  After a couple minutes, she goes into the room to ask them to settle down.  She walks in, and gets hit with a ball, and spills her wine all over the toys.
            In my photo, I tried to duplicate the assessment of what I saw in the picture.  I used some Legos as the kids’ toys, and used wine on a towel to signify the carpet that the wine spilled on.

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