Thursday, January 26, 2017

Assignment #1: Becca McDonald

This photograph was taken by photographer Theron Humphrey. My brother, who is a big fan of photography, discovered him on Instagram and introduced me to his photos. The reason I chose him for this particular assignment is because of his unique ability to take every day things and portray them in new and different ways. Included below is the link for both his website and his Instagram. If you visit his Instagram, you will quickly discover that nearly every one of his photographs includes his adorable traveling buddy and dog, Maddie. You will also notice that every photo is different. He has hundreds of pictures of Maddie, and yet each one is distinct. You can tell by scrolling through his photographs, that each one was taken with intention in order to shed new light on a common subject, and that is why I chose him for this assignment. I hope that as I enter the world of photography, my photos force people to consider things from new and different angles, causing them to think about things in new and different ways.

Theron's Website:
Theron's Instagram: @thiswildidea

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