I have two favorite photographers. The first person is one of my good friends, Josh Scripshema. He has his own small photography business and I love his photos because they are very eye catching and there is something special that inspires me and my work. I love his compositions because they have a personal feeling to them and each photograph presents a story. I love the uniqueness of his photos.
The second photographer I really like is Brandon Woelfel. I found him while scrolling on my Instagram feed. He was suggested to me to follow and so I looked at his profile and I love his photographs. I am very fascinated by his photographs because they are well composed and detailed. He really knows how to compose a photograph well and his perspective is so unique. I also really love how he always incorporates some kind of light in each photo and how they are all different, but yet they share that same kind of element. Both of these photographers inspire me that with lots of practice, I am capable of composing photographs with depth and meaning at the level that they are at.