Thursday, March 23, 2017

Open Assignment: Becca McDonald

Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 200

I love being in God's creation. I think He reveals Himself in incredible ways through the things He makes. In this particular photo, the most prominent feature, at least in my opinion, are the mushrooms on the tree. The growth of mushrooms on a tree is a sign of unhealth. The more mushrooms on a tree, the closer to death the tree is. This particular tree is dead and just beginning to rot. However, there is such beauty in this photo. This photo, to me, is a reminder of how the Lord takes dying, unglamorous things and makes them new and beautiful. Additionally, the tree curves upward at the end, guiding your eye to the top of the photo, which I think is a great reminder to direct our attention to the one capable of making bad things beautiful.

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