Thursday, February 23, 2017

Intangible Words, Julia Stevens



F/5.6  Shutter: 1/80 sec  ISO: 400

The three-year old in this image is pointing towards her older sister whom she felt 'wasn't being very nice.' We so often ignore injustice until it affects us and then we adamantly point fingers to prove we are in the right and someone or something else is unfair. What if we took this passion and directed it towards those who didn't have a voice, calling out injustice on behalf of others? We could make this world a much better place for everyone to live in.  You could see this image both ways. As a little girl complaining or of one protecting something which she has took on the responsibility of, such as the teddy bear and  complaining on its behalf.  


F/5.6 Shutter: 1/80 sec  ISO: 400

The ten-year old girl in this photo is entering a stage of 'coming to her own' in a sense. She is beginning to make her own choices about who she is, what she believes, who she agrees with or doesn't agree with and why. The photo is simple in that it focuses on her face, with a basic outdoor background so that you study her expression. Her eyes are looking directly at you but her face is turned away as though she isn't sure how she feels about you yet. She is smiling ever so slightly, as though withholding a secret opinion. 

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