Thursday, February 23, 2017

Intangible Word // Hannah Lemke

ISO 1600
This picture represents Age/Growth: 
I used leading lines, and rule of thirds to portray this. Each line is close to a third, and they're all going up or down, whichever way you interpret it. I think the way you interpret this picture says a lot about who you are as a person. It represents growth and age because you can see the history of the vines and the brick just by looking at it. It's obvious this isn't a newly structured building that's in mint condition. (definitely should have had a higher shutter speed but, hey, we can't all be winners.)

ISO 800
This picture represents perturbation. I used frame in a frame, and rule of thirds to capture this one. I feel like the initial reaction I got with this is fear. In my case, I don't fear much, so when I think fear I think anxiety. My sister struggled a lot with anxiety three or four years ago, and has since overcome it. The darkness surrounding the window is what is feels like while you're struggling with perturbation, but knowing that there is a chance of overcoming it (the white of the window) gives you some sort of hope; it seems as though there is more out there than just this dark room.

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