Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Song: Savanna Roberts

Song: Love Galore by SZA 
This song describes a love hate relationship between two people, and the back and fourth about it. And as long as they have love the relationship will keep going even though they don't like each other. Each picture represents a quote from the song. I chose this song because it happens to be one of my favorites, and at this time in my life her new album CTRL relates a lot to me.

1/60 F3.5 ISO 1250
"Done with these _____
I don't love these _____
Dust off these _____, do it for fun
don't take it personal"

1/160 F3.5 ISO2500
"Promise I won't cry over spilled milk
Gimmie a paper towel"

1/20 F4.5  ISO 800
"Why you bother me when you know you don't want me?
Why you bother me when you know you got a woman?
Why you hit me when you know you know better?...
Call me looking for ya, I be looking for ya"
"Should of never gave you my number"

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