Thursday, September 28, 2017

Amanda Walicki-Artprize

                                                                        ISO: 3200
                                                                        Shutter: 1/80
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                                                                          ISO: 400
                                                                          Shutter: 1/125
                                                                             ISO: 3200
                                                                             Shutter: 1/100

           To me, Artprize displayed a lot of hurt this year. The first two pictures are of a 9/11 piece displayed in the Gerald Museum. This piece is massive and the two pictures I posted are because they caused me the most realization of the pain experienced that day. The second picture is a piece called "Home Eleven" and it deals with fighting within a home. Two people enter, one on each side of the middle wall. Some makes the hit by pushing the pipe through the hole, and the other receives the hit. The final piece that stuck out to me is called "Let it go" and it deals with letting your struggles go. All of the "sand" in this picture are actually pieces of paper that visitors wrote binding things down on and threw away.

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